Below is information posted by CARB related to motorhomes.
Clean Truck Check Requirements for Personal (Non-Commercial) Use Motorhomes
Clean Truck Check is a CARB program to ensure emissions control equipment is operating properly for heavy-duty vehicles if your motor home is:
Over 14,000 lbs. manufacturer’s Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
The manufacturer's original GVWR label is commonly found on the vehicle’s door jamb or on the inside of the door
Registered in California
Steps for Compliance
Report in the Clean Truck Check Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) and create an account.
When accessing CTC-VIS Microsoft Edge browser should be used
Pay annual compliance fees before due dates shown in your account
Submit passing emissions compliance tests before the vehicle's due dates
Deadlines beginning January 1, 2025
The Clean Truck Check Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS) is the reporting system where you enter information about the owner and the vehicle. It is also the place to make the compliance fee payments.
Complete instructions are available at Clean Truck Check Reporting Database Training.
Annual Fee Payment
Annual compliance fees need to be paid by the vehicle’s compliance deadline, which is shown in CTC-VIS, and must be paid in CTC-VIS.
Payments must be made through your CTC-VIS account and may only be made by debit card, credit card, or eCheck.
Paper checks will not be accepted.
Emissions Compliance Testing
Testing deadlines begin January 1, 2025, and require submission of a passing Clean Truck Check emissions compliance test by a credentialed tester. Testing may be done up to 90 days prior to the vehicle’s testing compliance deadline to allow time for any necessary repairs.
Your testing deadlines will be visible in your account beginning October 2024.
Compliance deadlines are the same as your DMV registration due date.
You may search for credentialed testers by location at Available for Hire Credentialed Testers.
How must my motor home be tested? Specifics are available at Emissions Compliance Testing Requirements
The testing requirements depend on whether your vehicle/engine is equipped with OBD or not.
OBD-equipped vehicles (2013 and newer diesel engines and 2018 and newer alternative fuel engines) are required to undergo a scan of the engine’s OBD data using a California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified OBD testing device.
Diesel non-OBD vehicles (2012 and older diesel engines) are required to complete a smoke opacity test and a visual inspection of the vehicle’s emissions control equipment, referred to in this program as the Vehicle Emissions Control Equipment Inspection. Alternative fuel non-OBD vehicles (2017 and older alternative fuel engines) are only required to complete the visual inspection and are not subject to the smoke opacity test requirement.
California DMV Registration Holds Labeled Clean Truck Check (SB 210)
California Department of Motor Vehicles (CA DMV) are actively placing registration holds on vehicles not compliant with Clean Truck Check. To avoid any potential registration holds, please ensure the vehicle is reported in CTC-VIS, annual, compliance fees are paid, and annual emissions compliance testing requirements have been met.
Non-Commercial use motor homes (recreational and emergency use) must follow the compliance requirements at California Motorhomes Annual Compliance Requirements.
Commercial motor homes should refer to Clean Truck Check Requirements for Vehicles Subject to Semi-Annual Compliance for compliance requirements.
